Movie Review: Samsara (2011)

Despite having no dialogue, Samsara speaks a lot about our society, it's an honest sump-up of the human nature. The director Ron Fricke does it very cleverly, he mixes beauty, ugliness, good, bad and it's all very ironic! We have an amazing experience by navigating through different cultures in this artistic documentary! Even though it shows many different cultures, we're all very much alike to each other: being human is such a contradiction.

The contradiction of being human: we build a society that we are not able to be happy in. We created complex standards and lifestyles which make us unhappy (as well as Mother Nature), the solution? We, humans, have it! We fill the void, that we build ourselves, with more of those temporary relief and comfort that things such as drugs and technology give us! How genius! Even though, ironically, in the long-term those temporary reliefs bring in more suffering... hahaha... the irony of being human! In Samsara the complex and chaotic human society contrasts with the simple but beautiful and nature.

It's a very well done documentary and everyone should check it out and devour then reflect about all that imagery.

Note: it's totally unrelated but I read Akutagawa Ryunosuke's Kappa recently, and it's similar in the irony of life and the irony of being kappa human.


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